IFEX 2012 in Bangalore
Aulbach trimming technology presented its entire trimming concepts on IFEX 2012 in Bangalore
For the first time Aulbach trimming technology presented his automatic trimming concepts to the India foundries to enhance their product output
March 2012 – Aulbach trimming technology participate the first time on the IFEX 2012 in association with the German-Pavilion and the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology in Bonn to present the recommended trimming concept with trimming presses and tools. The Aulbach trimming presses and tools are used for the trimming process of die-castings composed of aluminium-, magnesium- and zinc-alloys. Also chilled-, sand, and steel-castings can be trimmed by these technology. The great advantage of deburring with presses is the repeatable and constant quality of the trimming result. And even in the most cases the companies can lower their scrap rate and get the possibility to rise their capacity.
Customized tool design:
Every Aulbach tool is customized for the purpose to trim nearly 100% of all burrs, to open holes, with the possibility of sawing, drilling, milling and threading. This put us into a position to assure that many work steps can be summarized into one step. This is a perfect opportunity to save labour costs and help to reduce the amount on hand-operated-machines. Depending on the structure, Aulbach can trim castings up to a wall thickness of 4 mm and keep a lot of solutions for deviate castings.
Energy savings and a secured workplace:
The Aulbach technology enhance the possibility to save energy, by using an innovative design of the hydraulic pumps, which switch into standby when the engine remains for more than a view seconds in idle running. This feature saves energy up to 70% of the total amount compared to a common press. The safety guard systems enable a save work with the machinery and gave the machine operator the possibility to prepare parts for the next cycle. Instead of the two hands controlled switches on non-aulbach-presses, which have to be hold until the press opens again, use Aulbach security bares and light-barrier-systems to secure the workplace. The operator just push slightly the start button, the security bars close and the press close and open automatically. During this time the operator have both hands free for additional work steps.